5 Things to Remember as the Web Evolves

Recently, I had the wonderful opportunity of heading down to the ever-growing city of Austin, TX to participate in one of my favorite conferences of all time: An Event Apart! What a simply enthusiastic, enlightening and energetic atmosphere to learn more about the constantly evolving industry of web design. The conference’s 14-person speaking panel consisted of experts and pioneers in […]

Web Design, Color Psychology & Buyer Emotion

Colors affect our daily lives more than the average person may realize. It’s been proven that every color has its own unique effect on individuals and can even stimulate specific responses. From increasing your appetite to enhancing creativity, memory, and motivation, colors play a pivotal role in many of our common acts. In fact, 90% […]

The Elements & Principles of Design [Infographic]

Design is intricate. It’s fun, creative, and exciting! There’s so much to learn and discover when it comes to design that we’re always evolving as graphic and web designers here at TM. Technology also evolves at a breakneck speed with new trends and things to learn at every turn. So, let’s stop, take a breather, […]

The ROI of Responsive Web Design

A large portion of our clients have chosen to build their websites responsively over the last year, with a high percentage of older website builds also converting to keep up with the times and avoid Google’s penalties. While the majority of businesses have converted to being mobile-friendly, it’s important you understand exactly how you’re getting a return. […]

Design As a Language

“Have you ever heard the adage that communication is only 7 percent verbal and 93 percent non-verbal, i.e. body language and vocal variety? You probably have, and if you have any sense at all, you have ignored it.” – Ubiquity While this statistic may be hard to quantify, there is still an interesting underlying meaning. […]

Nine Benefits of Website Design And Development Services in 2023

2023 has seen internet users worldwide reach an astonishing 5.16 billion, accounting for about 64% of the world’s population. This staggering figure underscores the importance of effective website design and development in today’s digital age. This process involves building and maintaining websites, with skilled developers responsible for creating the layout, structure, and other essential components […]

The Evolution Of Web Development: Is It Dead in 2023?

In 2010, there were over two billion internet users worldwide. Flash-forward to today, the number of users has grown to more than five billion, representing over 63% of the global population. These users all navigate websites to engage and connect with brands. However, it’s no longer enough to have a website; it must be responsive, […]

Responsive Design for Different Screen Sizes & UX

The Evolution of Responsive Design The fact that I grew up during the beginning stages of the web makes me feel a little dated. I remember, way back in the day, when websites were designed exclusively for desktops only. Yet, seeing how far the industry has come in a relatively short amount of time makes my work […]

UX/UI & Website Design: How To Create a Better User Experience

The Value of UX/UI with Website Design: Podcast Conversation Website design is essential when considering a new or rebuilt website, but within that process, you should also consider the user’s experience with UX/UI testing. User Experience (UX) is essentially how a user interacts with anything online, the ease of doing so, and enjoyment from the […]

Responsive Web Design: Why It’s Best

A fast, responsive website is better for your business. Mobile device usage has grown at over 100% year-over-year for our clients and mobile usage has officially taken over desktop usage, according to Google. It’s no secret that Google is also more likely to send traffic to a website that is optimized for mobile usage, as […]